Hints & Tips January 2024

January 2024 grid page

Clues by Raich and Grid by Calluna

Enter the prize draw by 31 January.

The background for this puzzle is a Graham Fox photograph showing a gull perched on a rock sticking out of the sea.

This puzzle uses a conventional 7x5x6 grid by Calluna and marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of a much-loved but above all practical institution. A tragic event 74¼ years earlier led to this foundation.

A slow waltz seems to be sailing by…

Thematic items are clued by wordplay only. The blue cells form an anagram of an earlier name for one of these items. The green cells form an anagram of the location of the tragic event. Both of these answers should be included with your entry. Clues are presented in alphabetical order of their solutions.

A search for the blue anagram may take you to the ends of the earth, whereas the green anagram lies somewhere with druidic associations much closer to home.

Raich uses Calluna’s grid to guide us on an amusing voyage round the British Isles and then steer us safely back to harbour.

Here are this month’s hints: moderate or good, veering poor later.

Day 5

Drug for nasal use described by Herr, beginning to end, in English (7)

Not a difficult clue but an uncommon word. Move the first letter of Herr to the other side (beginning to end) + in + E. (E for English) That’s the seven letters. [GS]

Day 7

By sound of it, suits Jenkins, politician and author for one (7)

One of the thematic items so no definition. Think of the late 1960’s Chancellor of the Exchequer and what ‘suits’ his first name and you have the answer! [JP]

Day 12

At outset had occupied vacant upstairs in grand dwellings (7)

A synonym for dwellings. Take the ‘h’ from had and the ‘o’ from occupied (at outset) add ‘us’ (empty the interior of upstairs because it is vacant) and ‘in’ and a single letter for grand. [GS]

Day 15

Bruise popular trade union, south eastern (6)

An obsolete word for bruise, but the clue is straightforward. Start with a short word for popular and follow with abbreviations for trade union and south eastern to get your answer. [JP]

Day 16

Fostering peace following anger — nice, no end (6)

Take a three lettered word meaning anger and add nice without the last letter and you have your word for fostering peace. Ever heard of it? Me neither. [GS]

Day 30

Say nothing, tenor’s altered — gambling odds become less (7)

A short instruction to say nothing followed by an anagram of (altered) tenor gives you a word for ‘become less’ regarding gambling odds. [JP]

Day 31

Become wearied, fatigue finally (5)

Look for a word for become wearied and follow it with the last letter of fatigue. The answer is thematic and is an island West of Mull. [NI]

Day 33

Is true, amazingly (6)

Amazingly is an anagram indicator. This thematic answer is a Norwegian municipality and splits into two thematic parts (North and South). [NI]

I am grateful to the other members of the Hints & Tips team: Garry Stripling (Gin) and Jim Pennington (Philostrate).

Happy solving!

Nick Inglis (etc)

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