The instruction for the 2021 competition was:

There are no qualifications required for this challenge and everyone is encouraged to enter, although World Championship entrants must submit a separate grid. Your task is to create a 3D grid with a theme suitable for our 2023 calendar, i.e. the year after next, or beyond. Anniversary themed grids are preferred but if you are inspired by a theme that does not attach to a date, this would be welcome, too.
We have had some marvellous grids submitted for the 2021 World Championship and RPM Trophy. There have been innovative grids, quirky grids, grids with secrets, grids tied to dates and grids with themes that are non-date specific. Particularly pleasing is the fact that all the grids we received, not just the winners, are eminently usable in the 2023 calendar, which brings joy to the 3D Team.
Because we shall be using these grids in the 2023 calendar, we cannot give any indication of theme and month. Nora will be writing to all grid entrants in due course with personal feedback.
We were delighted with the quality of entries for this year’s RPM trophy. The winners are:’
1st: Max Jackson
This is an exceptional grid, well designed and taking full use of the design opportunities using excellent snakes.
2nd: Hamish Symington
This is a tour de force indeed and a very nice tribute to your theme. It will challenge solvers but there is help there if they look for it.
3rd: Nick & Sarah Inglis
What a very clear and very clever grid which ingeniously makes 100% of the solutions themed.