Rolls of Honour

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

3D Crossword World Champions The 3D Crossword World Championship is decided each year by a combination of skills, usually including solving, clue writing and grid design. 2023 ­– Rachel Sheldon “Rikki”2022 – Heather Knowles & Chris Cooper “Calluna”2021 – Alan Chamberlain “Komorník”2020 – Hamish Symington “Soup”2019 – Nick & Sarah Inglis “etc”2018 – Nick &… Read more Rolls of Honour

2013 Puzzles

MonthSetter / DesignerDownload
JANRufus / AramisJAN puzzle
JAN solution
FEBEveryman / BozzyFEB puzzle
FEB solution
MAREnigmatist / 45MAR puzzle
MAR solution
APRArachne / Marianne CantleyAPR puzzle
APR solution
MAYCurmudgeon / Curmudgeon?MAY puzzle
MAY solution
JUNTramp / SiriusJUN puzzle
JUN solution
JULPasquale / TrailmanJUL puzzle
JUL solution
AUGColumba / LinxitAUG puzzle
AUG solution
SEPPuck / PhilostrateSEP puzzle
SEP solution
OCTTyrus / ObertoOCT puzzle
OCT solution
OCT ExtraSiriusOCT Extra puzzle
OCT Extra (Directed) puzzle
OCT Extra solution
NOVAnax / SiriusNOV puzzle
NOV solution
NOV ExtraOgre / Sirius?NOV Extra puzzle
NOV Extra solution
DECSiriusDEC puzzle
DEC solution

2014 Puzzles

MonthSetter / DesignerDownload
JANRufus / PeggyJAN puzzle
JAN solution
FEBEveryman / SiriusFEB puzzle
FEB solution
MARNutmeg / AramisMAR puzzle
MAR solution
APRCurmudgeonAPR puzzle
APR solution
MAYArachne / TrailmanMAY puzzle
MAY solution
JUNColumba / ObertoJUN puzzle
JUN solution
JULAramis / PasqualeJUL puzzle
JUL solution
AUGEnigmatist / 45AUG puzzle
AUG solution
SEPPuck / OgreSEP puzzle
SEP solution
OCTAnax / ChaliceaOCT puzzle
OCT solution
NOVSamuel / ChaliceaNOV puzzle
NOV solution
DECSiriusDEC puzzle

2015 Puzzles

MonthSetter / DesignerDownload
JANRufus / SiriusJAN puzzle
JAN solution
FEBEveryman / LinxitFEB puzzle
FEB solution
MAREnigmatist / 45MAR puzzle
MAR solution
MAR ExtraSiriusMAR Extra puzzle
APRTramp / 45APR puzzle
APR solution
MAYCurmudgeon / ChaliceaMAY puzzle
MAY solution
JUNPasquale / BozzyJUN puzzle
JUN solution
JUN ExtraSiriusJUN Extra puzzle
JULSiriusJUL puzzle
JUL solution
AUGSamuel / ChaliceaAUG puzzle
AUG solution
SEPNutmeg / AramisSEP puzzle
SEP solution
SEP ExtraMalteser / Sirius?SEP Extra puzzle
OCTAnax / AramisOCT puzzle
OCT solution
NOVRaich / PhilostrateNOV puzzle
NOV solution
DECPuck / ObertoDEC puzzle
DEC solution
DEC ExtraSiriusDEC Extra puzzle
DEC Extra solution

2016 Puzzles

MonthSetter / DesignerDownload
JANSamuel / 45JAN puzzle
JAN solution
JAN ExtraCurmudgeon / Sirius?JAN Extra puzzle
JAN Extra solution
FEBArachne / ObertoFEB puzzle
FEB solution
MARNutmeg / MangMAR puzzle
MAR solution
APRPasquale / AramisAPR puzzle
APR solution
APR ExtraIfor / PhilostrateAPR Extra puzzle
APR Extra solution
MAYLogogriphMAY puzzle
MAY solution
JUNImogen / BozzyJUN puzzle
JUN solution
JULTrailmanJUL puzzle
JUL solution
JUL ExtraSiriusJUL Extra puzzle
JUL Extra solution
AUGEnigmatist / 45AUG puzzle
AUG solution
SEPSiriusSEP puzzle
SEP solution
OCTCurmudgeonOCT puzzle
OCT solution
OCT ExtraSiriusOCT Extra puzzle
NOVBics / ChaliceaNOV puzzle
NOV solution
DECPuck / SiriusDEC puzzle
DEC ExtraAugeasDEC Extra puzzle
DEC Extra solution

2017 Puzzles

MonthSetter / DesignerDownload
JANArachne / BozzyJAN puzzle
JAN solution
FEBSharkFEB puzzle
FEB solution
MARSiriusMAR puzzle
MAR solution
MAR ExtraPuck / SiriusMAR Extra puzzle
MAR Extra solution
APRNutmeg / ElijahAPR puzzle
APR solution
MAYRufus / SiriusMAY puzzle
MAY solution
JUNCurmudgeonJUN puzzle
JUN solution
JUN ExtraPicklesJUN puzzle
JUN solution
JULEclogue / LogogriphJUL puzzle
JUL solution
AUGPicaroon / PhilostrateAUG puzzle
AUG solution
AUG ExtraEnigmatistAUG Extra puzzle
AUG Extra solution
SEPPuck / AramisSEP puzzle
SEP solution
SEP ExtraSirius / GinSEP Extra puzzle
SEP Extra solution
OCTPasquale / AramisOCT puzzle
OCT solution
NOVAnax / ObertoNOV puzzle
NOV solution
DECEnigmatist / 45DEC puzzle
DEC solution