Each 2025 3D crossword puzzle will be published below by the beginning of the month. The deadline to enter the prize draw for regular monthly puzzles will be the last day of that month. Extra puzzles will be added from time to time and will have later, mid-month deadlines.
Hints & Tips: If you need helping cracking that last clue, or even getting started, hints and tips for regular puzzles will be published usually in the last week of each month. Subscribe to the Hints & Tips newsletter to receive them by email.
2025 3D Crosswords World Championship: Solvers who buy the calendar and correctly solve 12 puzzles by the due date each month will be eligible to enter our annual tie-break competition for the 2025 3D Crosswords World Championship.
Errata: For owners of the printed calendar, we are very sorry but there are some corrections needed in the printed copies.
Clues and grid by Sirius. The biggest puzzle of the year with a whopping 53 clues — a key unclued entry — and a bunch of extension rods. This could take a while. Fortunately, you find the theme, and — SNAP — the job’s a game!
Clues and Grid by Sirius Enter the prize draw by 31 August. The background for this puzzle is a Graham Fox photograph depicting red and blue umbrellas. This puzzle by Sirius uses an eight dials torus grid with some adjustments and notes three anniversaries of 125, 60 and 24.5 years. Not 2 and 10, though they do… Read more Hints & Tips August 2024
Each 2024 3D crossword puzzle will be published below by the beginning of the month. The deadline to enter the prize draw for regular monthly puzzles will be the last day of that month. Extra puzzles will be added from time to time and will have later, mid-month deadlines.
Hints & Tips: If you need helping cracking that last clue, or even getting started, hints and tips for regular puzzles will be published usually in the last week of each month. Subscribe to the Hints & Tips newsletter to receive them by email.
2024 3D Crosswords World Championship: Solvers who buy the calendar and correctly solve 12 puzzles by the due date each month will be eligible to enter our annual tie-break competition for the 2024 3D Crosswords World Championship. Check your progress if you’re not sure if you qualify.
Clues and Grid by Sirius. The winner of the August puzzle is Sheila Brain of Devon. “How does he do it?” the shouts go up, almost unanimously (Mrs Reviewer might say “Why does he do it” but let’s just say we’re very glad he does). To make a grid and clues out of a landmark piece of social history
Clues and Grid by Sirius Enter the prize draw by 31 August. The background for this puzzle is a CC0 image representing a magnetic diamond set in a polarised force field. This puzzle uses an eight dials torus grid with the dials presented on top of each other as a cylinder, modelling a cylindrical magnet in a… Read more Hints & Tips August 2023
Clues and Grid by Sirius Theme: Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana The winner of the August puzzle is Bobbie Stainthorp of Keswick. Review of the August 2022 3D crossword When beginning to solve Sirius’s August puzzle, I had no idea what the subject was. In my book, that’s a win for the setter before you start.… Read more 3D Crossword Solution – August 2022
Clues and Grid by Sirius The background to this puzzle is a Hubble space telescope photograph of a “celebrity star” on the edge of destruction. This spherical grid commemorates two anniversaries with a common theme (but slightly different words). Both anniversaries are of the demise of a “celebrity star”. The first was some 60 years… Read more Hints & Tips August 2022
This year we introduced a vote from solvers to select the 3D Calendar puzzle of the year. The clear winners were Sirius and Enigmatist with their amazing two sphere tribute to Araucaria with Shark’s inspired Freddie Mercury/Farrokh Balsara puzzle as runner up. Each voter was permitted three votes to be allocated as they felt appropriate.… Read more 2021 Puzzle of the Year