3D Crossword Solution – August 2021

August 2021 puzzle page

Clues and Grid by Sirius. The winner of the August puzzle was Janet Brown of Stroud. We were told that solutions of blue highlighted clues are of a kind, as are those in yellow, cryptically. A word for the ‘blues’ and a word for the ‘yellows’ combine to make a thematic example of the ‘greens’.

2021 puzzles

grid design in progress
April Extra 2021

by you

April Extra instructions

Deadline for entries: 31 May

June 2021 puzzle page
June 2021

by Imogen and Max Liversidge

June Hints & Tips

View June solution

2009 Puzzles

MonthSetter / DesignerDownload
JANAraucaria / SiriusJAN puzzle
JAN solution
FEBEveryman / AscotFEB puzzle
FEB solution
MARRufus / SiriusMAR puzzle
MAR solution
APRDoc / SiriusAPR puzzle
APR solution
MAYPasquale / SiriusMAY puzzle
MAY solution
JUNLavatch / SiriusJUN puzzle
JUN solution
JULTaupi / SiriusJUL puzzle
JUL solution
AUGColumba / SiriusAUG puzzle
AUG solution
SEPBud / SiriusSEP puzzle
SEP solution
OCTDumpynose / SiriusOCT puzzle
OCT solution
NOVLocum / SiriusNOV puzzle
NOV solution
DECSiriusDEC puzzle
DEC solution

2010 Puzzles

MonthSetter / DesignerDownload
JANAraucaria / SiriusJAN puzzle
JAN solution
JAN ExtraEnigmatist / SiriusJAN Extra puzzle
JAN Extra solution
FEBRufus / SiriusFEB puzzle
FEB solution
FEB ExtraQaos / SiriusFEB Extra puzzle
FEB Extra solution
MAREveryman / SiriusMAR puzzle
MAR solution
APREnigmatist / SiriusAPR puzzle
APR solution
MAYPasquale / SiriusMAY puzzle
MAY solution
JUNLavatch / SiriusJUN puzzle
JUN solution
JULTaupi / SiriusJUL puzzle
JUL solution
AUGColumba / SiriusAUG puzzle
AUG solution
SEPBud / SiriusSEP puzzle
SEP solution
OCTDumpynose / SiriusOCT puzzle
OCT solution
NOVLocum / SiriusNOV puzzle
NOV solution
DECSiriusDEC puzzle
DEC solution