by Imogen and Patch

by Vlad and Aramis

by Raich and Bozzy

by Pickles and Gin
In aid of RNIB and BBC Children in Need
by Imogen and Patch
by Vlad and Aramis
by Raich and Bozzy
by Pickles and Gin
Clues by Sirius and grid by Komorník. The winner of the August Extra puzzle was Robbie Etherington of Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Hello, Soup here with some notes on the August Extra puzzle. We’re told this puzzle celebrates a topical anniversary.
Clues by Sirius and Grid by Komorník The background for this puzzle is a Henry Perks photograph showing a sunset over a pair of gasholders. This clever 7x5x5 Komorník grid by was one of the entries to our April Extra grid design competition. It celebrates a topical anniversary in a never-ending serial currently (in mid… Read more Hints & Tips August Extra 2021
Clues and Grid by Sirius. The winner of the August puzzle was Janet Brown of Stroud. We were told that solutions of blue highlighted clues are of a kind, as are those in yellow, cryptically. A word for the ‘blues’ and a word for the ‘yellows’ combine to make a thematic example of the ‘greens’.
Clues and Grid by Sirius The background for this puzzle is a Graham Fox photograph showing a wineglass, though it’s hard to tell whether it’s half-empty or half-full. This innovative grid by Sirius is in the form of a torus (or an inflated tyre, to be less technical). This is like a seven dials puzzle,… Read more Hints & Tips August 2021
Clues by Enigmatist and Grid by Sirius. The winner of the February Extra puzzle was Aimee Hall of Exeter. Runners up were Peter Cargill of Kirkcaldy
and Hamish Symington of Cambridge.
Clues by Enigmatist and Grid by Sirius This is an extra-special crossword celebrating a 100th anniversary. Sirius has constructed a highly appropriate grid consisting of a column and two spheres to represent 100. In this instance there is no secret about the anniversary. The puzzle is preceded by a tribute page with articles by Enigmatist… Read more Hints & Tips February Extra Special 100 2021
by Nutmeg and Jolt
by Curmudgeon
by Enigmatist and Sirius
by Imogen and Max Liversidge
by Sirius and Komorník
by Shark
by Qaos and Mang
by Pasquale and Bozzy
by Enigmatist and etc