Results of the 2020 RPM Trophy 3D Grid Design Competition

The Instructions The task is to design a 3D Grid suitable for inclusion in the 2022 3D Calendar Puzzles publication. The RPM is in memory of Ray Parry-Morris, who designed many successful 3D grids. Anyone may enter. The Results There were 5 entries for this year’s competition. The submissions were initially marked and graded by… Read more Results of the 2020 RPM Trophy 3D Grid Design Competition

2021 puzzles

grid design in progress
April Extra 2021

by you

April Extra instructions

Deadline for entries: 31 May

June 2021 puzzle page
June 2021

by Imogen and Max Liversidge

June Hints & Tips

View June solution

2018 Puzzles

MonthSetter / DesignerDownload
JANArachne / GinJAN solution
FEBVlad / BozzyFEB puzzle
FEB solution
MARShark / ChaliceaMAR puzzle
MAR solution
MAR ExtraEcologue / LogogriphMAR Extra puzzle
APREnigmatist / PicklesAPR puzzle
APR solution
MAYPasquale / PhilostrateMAY puzzle
MAY solution
MAY ExtraBozzius / BozzyMAY Extra puzzle
JUNAnax / PicklesJUN puzzle
JUN solution
JUN ExtraPicklesJUN Extra jigsaw puzzle
JUN Extra directed puzzle
JULNutmeg / AramisJUL puzzle
JUL solution
AUGTramp / etcAUG puzzle
AUG solution
SEPSiriusSEP puzzle
SEP solution
SEP ExtraEncotaSEP Extra puzzle & solution
OCTEcologue / LogogriphOCT puzzle
OCT solution
NOVCurmudgeonNOV puzzle
NOV solution
DECPuck / BozzyDEC puzzle
DEC solution
DEC ExtraSiriusDEC Extra puzzle
DEC Extra solution

2019 Puzzles

MonthSetter / DesignerDownload
JANArachne / PatchJAN puzzle
JAN solution
FEBNutmeg / JoltFEB puzzle
FEB solution
MARVlad / GinMAR puzzle
MAR solution
MAR ExtraPuck / BanterMAR Extra puzzle & solution
APRPasquale / MangAPR puzzle
APR solution
MAYCurmudgeonMAY puzzle
MAY solution
JUNEclogue / LogogriphJUN puzzle
JUN solution
JULQaosJUL puzzle
JUL solution
JUL ExtraSiriusJUL Extra puzzle
JUL Extra solution
AUGSiriusAUG puzzle
AUG solution
SEPSharkSEP puzzle
SEP solution
OCTEnigmatist / BozzyOCT puzzle
OCT solution
NOVAnax / etcNOV puzzle
NOV solution
DECPuck / AramisDEC puzzle
DEC solution

2020 Puzzles