Each 2025 3D crossword puzzle will be published below by the beginning of the month. The deadline to enter the prize draw for regular monthly puzzles will be the last day of that month. Extra puzzles will be added from time to time and will have later, mid-month deadlines.
Hints & Tips: If you need helping cracking that last clue, or even getting started, hints and tips for regular puzzles will be published usually in the last week of each month. Subscribe to the Hints & Tips newsletter to receive them by email.
2025 3D Crosswords World Championship: Solvers who buy the calendar and correctly solve 12 puzzles by the due date each month will be eligible to enter our annual tie-break competition for the 2025 3D Crosswords World Championship.
Errata: For owners of the printed calendar, we are very sorry but there are some corrections needed in the printed copies.
Clues by Paul and Grid by etc. For the second month in a row, we were treated to a Seven Dials grid (thank you to ‘etc’), which not only creates space for more clues (49) than usual, but also, since those clues were not in alphabetical order, adds a level of challenge for the solver.
Clues by Paul and Grid by etc Enter the prize draw by 30 September. The background for this puzzle is a Graham Fox photograph depicting a starry night sky. Insistent rhythms on the strings herald the arrival of ominous brass… This puzzle by Paul uses a seven dials grid by etc and celebrates the 150th anniversary of… Read more Hints & Tips September 2024
Each 2024 3D crossword puzzle will be published below by the beginning of the month. The deadline to enter the prize draw for regular monthly puzzles will be the last day of that month. Extra puzzles will be added from time to time and will have later, mid-month deadlines.
Hints & Tips: If you need helping cracking that last clue, or even getting started, hints and tips for regular puzzles will be published usually in the last week of each month. Subscribe to the Hints & Tips newsletter to receive them by email.
2024 3D Crosswords World Championship: Solvers who buy the calendar and correctly solve 12 puzzles by the due date each month will be eligible to enter our annual tie-break competition for the 2024 3D Crosswords World Championship. Check your progress if you’re not sure if you qualify.